Appointed by Governor on recommendation of Secretary of Agriculture: Kathy A. Abt; William J. Allen; Kathryn H. Danko-Lord; Cheryl D. DeBerry; W. Harold Feaga; Kurt H. Fuchs; Rodney B. Glotfelty; Leslie D. Hart; Megan E. Keyes; Patricia A. Langenfelder; Erroll A. Mattox; George Mayo VI; James L. McCarron, Jr.; Mortimer H. Neufville, Ph.D.; Talmage Petty; Laura E. Price; Thomas E. Skilton, Esq.
Ex officio (nonvoting): Mariana C. (Mindy) Burgoyne, designee of Secretary of Commerce; Jeffrey K. Fretwell, designee of Secretary of the Environment; Elizabeth N. (Lisa) Staley, designee of Secretary of Health; Emily H. Wilson, designee of Secretary of Natural Resources; Daniel F. Rosen, designee of Secretary of Planning; Craig Beyrouty, Ph.D., Dean, College of Agriculture & Natural Resources, University of Maryland, College Park.
c/o Office of Secretary, Dept. of Agriculture
Wayne A. Cawley, Jr. Building, 50 Harry S Truman Parkway, Annapolis, MD 21401 - 8960
(410) 841-5886
Wayne A. Cawley, Jr. Building, 50 Harry S Truman Parkway, Annapolis, Maryland, June 2004. Photo by Diane F. Evartt.
In October 2006, the Governor's Intergovernmental Commission for Agriculture was established by the Governor (Executive Order 01.01.2006.06). The Commission promotes the economic viability of agriculture in the State by ensuring that local, State and other agricultural agencies work together to best use available resources.
The Commission develops and implements both a consistent systematic method to coordinate Maryland's agricultural economic development, and specific protocols that improve regulatory processes for agriculture and promote a business-friendly climate. Further, the Commission devises an annual intergovernmental plan for agricultural services and functions; identifies and assesses the impact on State and local governments of agricultural developments; recommends programs and policies that meet the State's agricultural strategy goals; and is to establish an agricultural affairs information center.
On recommendation of the Secretary of Agriculture, the Governor appoints the Commission's members. The Commission also is assisted by six nonvoting ex officio members. The Secretary of Agriculture serves as chair.
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