Appointed by Governor to 3-year terms: Rebecca C. Rehr. Term expires 2015.
Benoy Thomas. Term expires 2016.
Deriece Pate Bennett; Richard W. Fairbanks; Tanvi Gadhia; Robert E. Hackman; Stephan Levitsky; John Quinn; Lesliam Quiros-Alcala, Ph.D.; one vacancy. Terms expire 2018.
Crystal Faison. Term expires 2019.
Appointed by Senate President: Victor R. Ramirez
Appointed by House Speaker: Clarence K. Lam
Ex officio: Malachy F. Rice, designee of Secretary of Commerce; Duane M. Johnson, designee of Secretary of the Environment; Subha Chandar, designee of Secretary of Health; Larry D. Brown, Jr., designee of Secretary of Housing & Community Development; Joseph Griffiths, designee of Secretary of Planning; Janet Moye Cornick, Ed.D., designee of Secretary of Transportation.
Staff: Duane M. Johnson
Montgomery Park Business Center, 1800 Washington Blvd., Baltimore, Maryland, February 2004. Photo by Diane F. Evartt.
In March 2001, the Governor created the Commission on Environmental Justice and Sustainable Communities (Executive Order 01.01.2001.01). Effective October 1, 2003, the Commission was established by statute (Chapter 460, Acts of 2003). Environmental justice concerns the resolution of environmental issues in a manner equitable to all those affected by them. It has been defined as ". . . equal protection from environmental and health hazards for all people regardless of race, income, culture, and social class." (Chapter 741, Acts of 1997).
The Commission analyzes and reviews what impact State laws, regulations, and policy have on the equitable treatment and protection of communities threatened by development or environmental pollution, and determines what areas in the State need immediate attention. Moreover, the Commission assesses the adequacy of statutes to ensure environmental justice, and develops criteria to pinpoint which communities need sustaining.
On issues related to environmental justice and sustainable communities, the Commission advises State agencies. With the Children's Environmental Health and Protection Advisory Council, it coordinates recommendations on such issues.
Twenty members constitute the Commission. Twelve are appointed by the Governor, one by the Senate President, and one by the House Speaker. Five members serve ex officio (Code Environment Article, sec. 1-701).
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