Appointed by Governor to 4-year terms: Sheryl Brissett Chapman, Ed.D., 2016; Nancy Hall, 2016; Walter McNeil, Jr., 2018; Catherine Meyers, 2018.
Appointed by Senate President: one vacancy
Appointed by House Speaker: Kirill Reznik
Goldstein Treasury Building, Annapolis, Maryland, July 2010. Photo by Diane F. Evartt.
Staff: Devan B. Perry
c/o Board of Public Works
Goldstein Treasury Building, Room 117
80 Calvert St., Annapolis, MD 21401 - 1991
(410) 260-7335
In October 2012, the Council for the Procurement of Health, Educational and Social Services was created (Chapter 213, Acts of 2012). The Council advises the Board of Public Works on the implementation of recommendations made by the Task Force to Study the Procurement of Health, Education, and Social Services by State Agencies in November 2011. Further, the Council monitors the progress made in implementing those recommendations, and may establish subcommittees to target specific issues.
The Council provides a forum for communicating with State agencies on procurement problems and issues, as well as on improved procurement management and methods. In addition, the Council reviews existing procurement regulations to ensure that they fulfill the intent and purpose of the law and effectively use State funds.
Eighteen members constitute the Council. Four are appointed to four-year terms by the Governor. The Senate President and the House Speaker each appoint a legislative member. Eleven members serve ex officio. The Procurement Advisor to the Board of Public Works chairs the Council (Code State Finance & Procurement Article, sec. 12-110).
The Subcommittee was made up of Council members and State agency staff.
On January 1, 2014, the Subcommittee submitted its report to the Senate Education, Health and Environmental Affairs Committee, and the House Health and Government Operations Committee.
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In June 2013, the Council for the Procurement of Health, Educational and Social Social Services was mandated to establish a work group to study ways for private entities required to submit voluminous documentation to State agencies to submit such files electronically, either by direct transmission or by posting to an on-line document storage system (Chapter 250, Acts of 2013). Authorized in June 2013, the work group was known as the Subcommittee on Electronic Documents.
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