The goal of the Commission is to attract new businesses, and assist in the retention and growth of existing businesses. It coordinates its work with public, private and nonprofit agencies to provide resources for businesses in the County (County Code, sec. 1-606).
County Administration Building, 100 West Washington St. Hagerstown, Maryland, June 2004. Photo by Diane F. Evartt.
The Department oversees two divisions: Comprehensive Planning, and Plan Review and Permitting. The Department also is aided by the Agricultural Preservation Advisory Board, the Agricultural Reconciliation Board, and the Historic District Commission.
Matters relating to planning and zoning are governed by both State and County laws. The Maryland Forest Conservation Act, for example, requires all county governments to adopt local forest conservation programs (Chapter 255, Acts of 1991; Code Natural Resources Article, secs. 5-1601 through 5-1613).
Appointed by the Board of County Commissioners, the five members of the Advisory Board serve five-year terms (Code Agriculture Article, sec. 2-504.1).
The Committee serves to advise the National Park Service and the Board of County Commissioners on management of Antietam Battlefield; and improve communications between the National Park Service and the local community.
Ten members constitute the Committee. They are appointed to three-year terms by the Board of County Commissioners. The Committee chooses its chair each April (Committee Bylaws).
Seven members appointed by the Board of County Commissioners comprise the Commission, and serve three-year terms (Code Land Use Article, secs. 8-101 through 8-501).
The Soil Conservation District Board of Supervisors consists six members who serve five-year terms. Five members are appointed by the State Soil Conservation Committee, and one is appointed by the Board of County Commissioners (Code Agriculture Article, secs. 8-301 through 8-312).
The Division works with and advises the planning and zoning agencies of the County’s municipalities, and helps those municipalities that lack such an agency.
Assisting the Division is the Planning Commission.
The Commission consists of seven members. Six are appointed to five-year terms by the County Council, and one serves ex officio (Code Land Use Article, secs. 2-101 through 3-304).
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Created in 1981, the Agricultural Preservation Advisory Board advises the Board of County Commissioners on the establishment of agricultural districts and the approval of purchases of easements within the County by the Maryland Agricultural Land Preservation Foundation.
The Agricultural Reconciliation Board was created in January 2004.
In May 1993, the Antietam Battlefield Advisory Committee was created. The Committee was reformed and reconstituted in June 2016 (Curative Resolution RS-2016-10).
The Historic District Commission oversees and approves building permits for properties located within the County that are zoned as historic or rural village. The Commission also enforces federal, State and local zoning regulations, and advises and makes recommendations to the Board of County Commissioners on these matters.
A soil conservation district constitutes a political subdivision of the State, and a public body corporate and politic, excercising public powers. The District's Board of Supervisors conducts surveys, investigations, and research relating to the character of soil erosion. Within the District, the Board carries out preventive and control measures, including engineering operations, cultivation methods, the growing of vegetation, changes in land use, and other measures.
Maintaining the County’s comprehensive plan for planning and zoning, the Division analyzes growth and development trends, and updates the plan to best meet the County’s future infrastructure needs. In addition to standard zoning, the Plan includes guidelines for the development of environmental and historic preservation, parks, transportation, and water and sewer. The Division works in cooperation with regional and State agencies to best use and conserve resources.
The Planning Commission reviews and approves subdivision plats, forest conservation plans, site plans, and development plans. The Commission also advises the Board of County Commissioners on matters related to rezoning requests, ordinance text amendments, and adoption of County Ordinances. In addition, the Commission helps develop the County's Comprehensive Plan for the County. Updated every six years, the Plan provides a basis for long- and short-term planning.
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