Wayne A. Cawley, Jr., Building, 50 Harry S Truman Parkway, Annapolis, Maryland, June 2004. Photo by Diane F. Evartt.
Budget |
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Elected by Executive Board: Vanessa A. Finney; Rodney B. Glotfelty; Joshua (Josh) Hastings; Christopher Kaselemis; Loretta Lodge; Erroll A. Mattox; Stephen R. McHenry; Angela Spencer; Lindsay D. Thompson.
Appointed by Senate President (nonvoting): George C. Edwards; James N. Mathias, Jr.; Thomas M. Middleton.
Appointed by House Speaker (nonvoting): Michael W. McKay; Edith J. Patterson; Sheree Sample-Hughes;.
Appointed by Senate President & House Speaker (nonvoting): Mary Ann Lisanti
Eastern Shore Resource Conservation & Development Council: Ralph Bucca
Maryland Association of Community Action Agencies, Inc.: Santo Grande
Maryland Association of Counties: Wilbur Levengood, Jr.; Richard S. Rothschild.
Maryland Association of Public Library Administrators: Sharan Marshall
Maryland Downtown Development Association: Amy Seitz
Maryland Farm Bureau: Trish Hildebrand
Maryland Municipal League: John A. Kinnaird; Jaime M. Windon
Maryland Rural Health Association: Lara D. Wilson
Mid-Shore Regional Council: W. Scott Warner
Southern Maryland Resource, Conservation & Development Council: one vacancy
Tri-County Council for the Lower Eastern Shore: Michael P. Pennington
Tri-County Council for Southern Maryland: John F. Hartline
Tri-County Council for Western Maryland: Leanne D. Mazer
Upper Shore Regional Council: Doris S. Mason
Western Maryland Resource, Conservation & Development Council: Craig Hartsock
Federal agencies: Kathy Beisner, Acting State Director, Maryland & Delaware Rural Development, U.S. Dept. of Agriculture
For-profit organizations: George C. Vogelsong
Nonprofit organizations: Michael M. Thielke
Ex officio: Jeannie Haddaway-Riccio, designee of Governor; Matthew P. Teffeau, designee of Secretary of Agriculture; Steven Pennington, designee of Secretary of Commerce; Temitope E. Oshiyoye, designee of Secretary of Health; Cindy Stone, designee of Secretary of Housing & Community Development; Donald Van Hassent, designee of Secretary of Natural Resources; James C. Hanson, Ph.D., Associate Director, University of Maryland Extension.
Ex officio: Karen M. Fedor, designee of Secretary of Agriculture; Mariana C. (Mindie) Burgoyne, designee of Secretary of Commerce; Temitope E. Oshiyoye, designee of Secretary of Health; Dona L. Sorce, designee of Secretary of Housing & Community Development; Emily H. Wilson, designee of Secretary of Natural Resources; Sharan Marshall, designee of Chair, Rural Maryland Council.
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