Maryland Manual On-Line, 2018

July 31, 2018

Note: In this past edition of Maryland Manual, some links are to external sites. View the current Manual



[photo, Peter K. Rahn, Maryland Secretary of Transportation] PETE K. RAHN, Secretary of Transportation

Secretary of Transportation since March 13, 2015. Acting Secretary of Transportation, January 21 to March 13, 2015.

Member, Governor's Executive Council, 2015-; Commerce Subcabinet, 2015-; Governor's Subcabinet for International Affairs, 2015-; Maryland Subcabinet for Public-Private Partnerships, 2015-; Smart Growth Subcabinet, 2015-. Chair, Maryland Aviation Commission, 2015-; Maryland Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Council, 2015-; Maryland Port Commission, 2015-; Maryland Transportation Authority, 2015-; Executive Committee, Transportation Enhancements Program, 2015-. Co-Chair, Executive Committee for Dredged Material Management Plans, 2015-. Member, Interagency Committee on Aging Services, 2015-; Asbestos Oversight Committee, 2015-; Baltimore Regional Transportation Board, 2015-; Capital Debt Affordability Committee, 2015-; Climate, Energy and Environment Policy Committee, 2015-, Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments; Climate Change Commission, 2015-16; Coast Smart Council, 2015-; Critical Area Commission for the Chesapeake and Atlantic Coastal Bays, 2015-; Task Force on the Disposition of the Crownsville Hospital Center Property, 2015-16; Commission on State Debt, 2015-; Interagency Disabilities Board, 2015-; Maryland State Drug and Alcohol Abuse Council, 2015; Maryland Economic Development Corporation, 2015-; Commission on Environmental Justice and Sustainable Communities, 2015-; Maryland Green Building Council, 2015-; Maryland Green Purchasing Committee, 2015-; Maryland Heritage Areas Authority, 2015-; Maryland Advisory Council on Historic Preservation, 2015-; Interagency Council on Homelessness, 2015-; State Coordinating Committee for Human Services Transportation, 2015-; Statewide Interoperability Executive Committee, 2015-; Statewide Interoperability Radio Control Board, 2015-; Invasive Plants Advisory Committee, 2015-; Maryland Military Installation Council, 2015-; Interdepartmental Advisory Committee for Minority Affairs, 2015-17; Council on Open Data, 2015-; Patuxent River Commission, 2015-; Pricing and Selection Committee for Blind Industries and Services of Maryland and the Employment Works Program, 2015-; Procurement Advisory Council, 2015-. Board of Visitors, R. Adams Cowley Shock Trauma Center, University of Maryland Medical System, 2015-. Member, Task Force to Study Small and Minority Design Firm Participation in State Procurement, 2015-16; Interagency Committee on Specialized Transportation, 2015-; State Center Executive Committee, 2015-; Maryland Sustainable Growth Commission, 2015-; Transportation Professional Services Selection Board, 2015-17; Maryland War of 1812 Bicentennial Commission, 2015; Washington Suburban Transit Commission, 2015-; Commission to Modernize State Procurement, 2016; Commission on Climate Change, 2016-; Work Group on Health in All Policies, 2017-; Work Group on the Maryland Open Transportation Investment Decision Act, 2017-; Interdepartmental Advisory Committee on Small, Minority, and Women Business Affairs, 2017-.

Treasurer, San Juan County, New Mexico, 1981-85. Chair, Planning and Zoning Commission, Farmington, New Mexico, 1989-95.

Secretary of State Highway and Transportation Department, New Mexico, 1995-2002. Director, Department of Transportation, Missouri, 2004-10. Chair, State Transportation Commission, New Mexico, 2011-15.

New Mexico State University, B.A. (government), 1976, B.S. (planning), 1977. Territory Manager, Burroughs Corp., B.F.D., 1977-79. Manager, Better Business Bureau/Four Corners, Farmington, New Mexico, 1979-81. Chair, Board of Directors, Better Business Bureau/Four Corners, 1983-84, 1992-93. Executive Director, San Juan College Foundation, 1985-89. Corporate Vice-President, Kysar Insurance Agency, 1989-95. Vice-President of Governmental Relations, Contech Construction Products, Inc., 2002-04. Senior Vice-President, HNTB Corp., 2010-15. President, New Mexico Association of Counties, 1984-85. President, New Mexico State University Support Council, 1992-94. President, Western Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials, 1999-2000. Co-Chair, National Partnership for Highway Quality, 2001-02. Member, Executive Committee, Transportation Research Board, 2006-10 (task force on accelerating innovation in highway industry, 1999-2009). President, American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials, 2007-08 (past member, board of directors; chair, standing committee on performance management, 2006-10). Board of Directors, The Road Information Project, 2012-. Paul Harris Fellow, Rotary International Foundation, 1998. Public Official of the Year, New Mexico Chapter, American Public Works Association, 2000. Vision Award, National Council on Public Private Partnerships, 2008. Public Official of the Year, Governing, 2009. Lester P. Lamm Memorial Award, The Washington Road Gang, 2010. Community Improvement Award, Missouri Growth Association, 2010. Transportation Leadership Award, Design-Build Institute of America, 2010. Married; two children.

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